Frames and Face Shape

Ever wonder why eyeglass frames look good on some people but not others? Face shape is probably the answer.
Woman and child looking at eyeglasses

Nothing beats the feeling of finding a pair of frames that you really love. If you’ve ever shopped for eyewear extensively, you know the feeling. You’re trying on frame after frame, feeling some more than others. Then, you try on a pair and you know: the frames feel like ‘you.’

It’s understandable—frames are a big part of our lives. Whether you wear them all day or only use them to read, they’re something we depend on. So, it makes sense to find a pair of frames that you actually want to wear.

Face shape

Something that plays a factor in how frames look on you is your face shape. No one’s face shape is identical, but there are some common shapes that you might fall under:

  • Square
  • Round
  • Oval
  • Heart-shaped
  • Diamond

To find your face shape, pull your hair away from your face and take a look at your face in the mirror. Note the width of your forehead, cheeks and jaw. If you’re having trouble finding the shape, you can use measuring tape to check the width of your face at different points.

We’ll provide some common frames and face shape pairings to help you in your search. Of course, you might like frames that aren’t listed with your face shape—it all comes down to personal preference. The only important thing is that you like the frames and they fit you comfortably.

Square face

Square faces are wider than long. They have a prominent jaw that’s around the same width as the forehead. Aviator frames are common choices for this face type. Also consider sunglasses that have a strong browline or rimless edge.

Round face

A round face has a roughly similar width and length. Round faces tend to work well with many different frame styles. Try ones that are angular or rectangular and have a full rim, partial rim or clear nose-bridge.

Oval face

Oval faces are longer than they are wide, but the forehead may be a bit wider than the chin. Oval faces also can work well with a wide range of frame styles. Consider frames that are angular, aviator or oval—square or oversized frames often work well, too.

Heart-shaped face

Heart-shaped faces have a narrow jaw and chin with a wider forehead and widow’s peak. Blocky, round or cat-eye frames can complement heart-shaped faces well.

Diamond face

Diamond faces are widest at the cheekbones with a narrow forehead and chin. Frames that have soft angles can match this face shape well, including cat-eye, oval and rectangular.

The bottom line

The best frames for your face are the ones you love. Trying on different styles can help you understand what shape and look you’re leaning toward.

You shouldn’t have to break the bank to get the frames you want, either. Remember, all BCBS FEP Vision members enjoy access to our extensive, fully-covered Exclusive Collection of frames, each valued up to $195.

Did you know you can try on any frames from our Exclusive Collection using the Virtual Frame Try-On Tool? Try it from your phone, tablet or computer today. For frames not in the Exclusive Collection, you also get a frame allowance you can use at independent providers and national retailers. To learn more about your benefits, visit our Benefits & Rates page.


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